Honey is one ingredient that can be used in so many different ways because it has many benefits for us . Honey benefits our skin , hair , health in general , Adding honey to your daily skincare regime can helo you achieve a flawless looking beautiful skin.
Here is how you can use honey for overnight treatments !!
Here is how you can use honey for overnight treatments !!
- If you feel that your lips remain dry most of the times then honey will be at your rescue . Exfoliate your lips with some sugar and then apply a thin layer of honey on your lips before going to bed , try not to eat it !!
- If you suddenly see a pimple has errupted out of nowhere , all you have to do is take a very little amount of honey and directly apply it on the pimple or acne . Leave it overnight and next morning you'll see the pimple being next to nothing.
- If you feel that your skin is looking dull and dead then let honey to it's magic for you . Mix one part of honey and 2 parts of aloe vera gel , massage your face gently with this and then leave it over night , You will see a huge difference in how your skin looks the next morning.
- We all hate split ends , and you know what ? Honey can totally be a huge help in eliminating the split ends . Mix a little honey with some Olive Oil and apply it on the ends of your hair , do this every night for at least 1 week and then see the difference !