Acne is a very common skin issue and we all face it time to time . We all are constantly trying to hide our acne and a lot of us try a million products to make them go away . The best thing would be to treat the acne from its roots.
Here is a great face mask that will help you get rid of acne quickly and will have long term benefits .
Here is a great face mask that will help you get rid of acne quickly and will have long term benefits .
- NUTMEG: A lot of Egyptian women have been using Nutmeg to get a flawless looking skin. It's found in a lot of facial products , like lotions , face washes, creams etc. Nutmeg has a lot of amazing anti-acne properties, Its super amazing to eliminate the breakouts and even works great to get rid of blackheads. Nutmeg is very rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
Things you would require to make this Face Mask :
- Nutmeg Powder - 1 tablespoon
- Honey - 1 teaspoon
- Milk : 2 table spoons
Now all you have to do is, mix all these ingredients well and form a good paste like consistency, It shouldn't be too thin or too thick. Apply this mask all over your face and leave it on for good 20 minutes or till it completely dries up , After this start massaging your face with a little water . Massage for about 2-3 minutes after that wash off with cold water and follow up with toning and moisturizing your face .
Do this at least twice or thrice a week to get great results .