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Brides If You Want To Grow Your Hair In 2 Months , then follow this DIY !


Most of the brides want beautiful looking, gorgeous, long and thick hair by the time her wedding comes by. Most of them want to grow their hair so that it's easier to try out new and different hairstyles.

Here is an amazing hair mask, that will do wonders to your hair and you will see quick hair growth as well!

  • For this hair mask you need Castor Oil , Honey and Egg yolk .
  • Castor oil since ages has been super beneficial for haircare . It encourages hair growth and even provides good nourishment to our hair . It is high in amino acids sence it penetrates into the scalp and makes the hair more stronger and healthier. 
  • Honey being high on anti oxidants and detoxifies hair to a great level . It strengthens hair follicles and also prevents hair loss.
  • As for Egg Yolks ,  they are very rich in vitamins and proteins and help a lot in hair growth and also speed up the process. Egg yolks make the hair really thick and healthy.
To prepare this hair mask: Take 2 tablespoons of Castor Oil, 1 egg, and 1 tablespoon Honey.
  • In a bowl  mix all these ingredients well until they are well mixed and form a good mixture.
  • Apply by starting from the scalp and then working all the way down to your ends.
  • Cover your head with a shower cap and leave it for 30 minutes .
  • Wash it off with a mild shampoo 
  • Do this at least 2-3 times a week to get best results.

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