A lot of us do not know much about dry brushing and as to how it benefits us . Dry brushing has amazing wellness benefits and is practically free ! It makes out skin glow and remain healthy .
Here are few ways in which dry brushing can really help you !
1.Dry brushing is a superb technique when it comes to exfoliating amd removing dead skin cells . As we grow older its important to exfoliate at least twice a week .Body exfoliation helps remove our body from a lot of a lot of toxins and makes the skin look more fresh and soft .
2. It works wonders when it comes to stimulating the lymphatic system which basically removes all the toxins accumulated in our body .
3. Dry brushing also helps in reducing cellulite . It reduces the appearance of cellulite and stimulates the cells which helps to break down all the toxins .
4. Dry brushing is like a massage which in turn can also help in relieving stress . It makes u feel better and also helps in treating any inflammations quickly .