Managing Curly Hair can often be a huge task. We almost hate it when the hair just feels so unmanageable and unruly and the curls just don't set fine.
Here are 5 amazing hacks that can define your curls, eliminate the dry ends. prevent frizz and more!
- When you are trying to detangle your hair , Use your fingers or a wide tooth comb instead of a brush , so that you can prevent breakage and preserve the shape of your curls .
- Before stepping into the shower , apply a deep conditioner to your hair , tuck it into a shower cap and wash your body before washing your hair as normal . The steam in the shower will help you lock in the moisture.
- After washing your hair , wring out the water with a T-shirt instead of a towel to prevent tangles and frizz . Unlike a T shirt , the towel will absorb too much water and moisture which causes frizz, The smoothness of a T shirt will also help smooth your curls.
- When letting your hair dry, try "pineappling" or piling your hair into a loose bun or ponytail on top of your head. This will prevent gravity from pulling your curls out and causing frizz .
- . Don't completely rinse out all the conditioner when washing hair . It's pretty okay to leave some residual conditioner in your hair . Your curly ends need all the moisture they can get.