Do you miss the days when you could flaunt the flawless beauty of your eyes all day long? Do you think that eye makeup is a waste of time because your glasses camouflage the magical charm of your eyes anyway? I have been through a similar experience and wanted to get rid of my eyeglasses for a long time.
The following home remedies are so good that they ensure your eyes are back to their best health and that too in the fastest possible way. Let us take a look at how to increase eyesight in a natural way for better vision.
Spinach is rich in not only vitamins A, B, C, E, and minerals such as iron and zinc, but also in lutein and zeaxanthin, the chemical components that help keep the eyes healthy. Eating spinach on a daily basis can prevent disorders like macular degeneration and cataract. Spinach also helps to keep the corneas healthy. Many people despise the way spinach tastes and smell. But you can surely get past the smell by adding a zing to spinach.
Carrots are a gorgeous and wholesome vegetable. They are so versatile and give a dish an amazing color. Apart from being scrumptious, carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, which later transforms into vitamin A, that enhances the general wellbeing of the eyes. You can find several recipes for carrot soup on the internet. Add it to the curries and pair it up with other veggies. You can derive maximum nourishment from raw carrots since the cooking process slightly deteriorates its nutritional profile. Munch on a carrot whenever you get an urge to snack or add it to your salads. But remember to drink lots of water, because carrots are high in fiber content .
Broccoli is one of the super-foods with amazing health benefits. Including this food in your diet is another natural way to improve eyesight! Like spinach, broccoli too contains vitamin B, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These nutrients not only conserve vision, but also help improve it. Eating broccoli helps keep exhaustion, soreness, and blurred vision at bay. When the eyes are not subjected to a lot of stress, they perform better for longer. Broccoli promotes healthy eyesight by strengthening the eyes and reducing eye fatigue. Baked, grilled, sautéed or raw — broccoli tastes delicious. Toss in a floret or two in your salad, or puree it to make soup, you can incorporate the goodness of broccoli in your diet in numerous ways.
FISH Oily fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardine are packed with the healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These work like an antioxidant, protecting your eyes from damage caused by the free radicals in the body. The omega-3 fatty acids prevent dryness of the eyes that is generally caused by the use of contact lenses. Eat fish at least twice a week for a noticeable improvement in your vision within a few months. Baking or grilling is the best method of cooking these fish, which keeps its nutrient content intact. For a change, you can even make a sandwich by stuffing the grilled fish between two slices of wholegrain bread and some lettuce, mayo, and seasoning.
DRY FRUITS Soak 15 raisins and two figs overnight in a bowl of water. Eat them on an empty stomach the next morning. The high amount of fiber and vitamins in these dry fruits help speed up the digestive processes and help the body get rid of toxins. This would thereby help to resolve eye-related problems.