Don't we all crave for a perfect skin on the day of our wedding ? Here are 10 ways to look and feel great right before your wedding !
- Drink at least 2 liters of water every day.
- Include all the healthy and nutritious vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.
- If you're not a fan of consuming veggies and fruits naturally, opt for dietary supplements.
- Aim to have a glass of vegetable juice every morning and consume the pulp from the juice. You can also go for smoothies.
- Always use a face wash that has Salicylic acid as an ingredient.
- Avoid oily and spicy food before the wedding functions.
- Use headphones to talk on mobile.
- It's a myth that SPF100 is more effective than SPF30. A sunscreen lotion with SPF30 is good enough for our skin.
- Even if it’s raining, apply sunscreen every two hours.
- BB creams and compacts with sunscreen are good too.
- Sunscreens won't keep you away from 100% tanning. Always carry an umbrella while moving out of the house.