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6 Little Life Changes To Make Your Day More Successful ! Tried & Tested !


Waking up to a new day should be an invigorating feeling. For me, a while ago mornings weren’t so great. I was letting anxiety get to me, and I was working harder not smarter. We’ve all been there when you’re pushing yourself so hard that you’ve forgotten to eat at lunchtime or your goals are out of whack.
That’s not the career girl mentality though, so I took it upon myself to make five little changes to make my days more successful. I researched, planned my perfect day and finally feel myself getting closer to my goals! Who knows what’s next now? So, if you want to know what little changes I made to make my day more successful, here are a few you can start right now. ! 

1. Learn something new

I felt stuck because I was stuck. I’d got too comfortable, so I started by making sure my mind was staying active. I’m really excited to start every day and build my skills now, and I think that every day is more successful when I’m working on bettering myself.

2. Overhaul your diet

“Working smarter not harder” is one of my favorite quotes, and it is true when it comes to your diet. Eating certain foods directly impacts your energy level as well as your mood, the prep work can be stressful at times for a newbie. I swear by Pinterest at the moment. Finding recipes and meal prepping will allow you to start your week with ease. Every night before bed prepare your bag with the dish for lunch, condiments, and maybe even a snack. You are already halfway towards a successful day by keeping your diet in check.

3. Use your lunch break wisely

As the day progresses it can get increasingly harder to keep that positive mindset functioning. My disliking for meetings, they drain me. If I start my day with a ton of them, then by lunch I’m craving not only food but a mental pick me up. Podcasts have been the answer for me, they pull me right out of that mid-day funk. I love to listen to shows that are uplifting and informative. Find a podcast that focuses on topics that are aligned with your passions, that inspiration will keep you pushing towards success.

4. Create a daily fun challenge

Stop being so serious! Just because you are at work doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Smiling is contagious so spread it. Create a fun challenge that will break up the monotony of the day. It could be a just for you or include your friends, family, or co-workers. Challenges keep me energized and engaged in activity that isn’t necessarily work-related. You can do a step challenge, answer daily trivia questions, anything is possible. At the end of the day when the challenge is complete, win or lose, I bet you were smiling.

5. Be positive in the face of negativity 

There are always going to be times when negativity creeps in. Whether it’s from a co-worker or just through circumstances of the day, it’s incredibly difficult to stay positive in the face of negativity, but it’s so important. The minute I stopped letting things get to me and started focusing on just being my happy self (even if it annoyed other people), I felt a lot better.

6. Check your progress 

How you complete your day is just as important as how you started it, especially if you are striving for success. Circle back to your daily planner and acknowledge the progress you made. You should visualize all the tasks that are checked off as major wins. You conquered the day!

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