Obtaining soft, smooth and healthy skin has been not only tough but challenging to achieve. Chemical content in a number of skin care products causes a number of skin problems. Natural products are now being used to improve hair and skin health naturally without causing any side-effects. Baking soda has recently been highlighted as an important natural product for skin.
1. Baking Soda for Face Wash:
Best thing about baking soda is that it completely helps to cleanse your face. Just mix 2 teaspoon of baking soda into 1 teaspoon of lukewarm water and blend to make thick paste of both combination. Wet your face then apply that paste on your face with circular motion. Rinse with water and repeat every day for great effects.2.Exfoliate Your Skin:
Add one teaspoon of baking soda into cleanser with water and also combine 2 teaspoon of oat flour then blend together. This helps in exfoliation of skin by opening blocked pores, providing essential nutrients to the skin.3. Foot Bathe:
Using baking soda as a foot soak will relief from sore feet and cracks on the heels of the feet. Mix half cup of baking soda with little water to create thick paste and apply it on cracks to get smooth skin.4. Detox wash:
Baking soda is very useful for detox wash that helps your body to get complete relaxation and abolish all toxins. Mix 2 cups of baking soda with Epsom salts and take bath for 30 minutes.5. Fast Relief from Sunburn:
Baking soda provides fast relief from sunburn. Get cool compression with a dry and neat cloth blend with baking soda with half cup of water and half cup of baking soda that helps to provide relief from sunburn and other skin conditions such as itchy skin.